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Closing-On The Lower East Side: 28 Remarkable Women… And One Scoundrel

By The Museum at Eldridge Street

A new exhibition by Adrienne Ottenberg at Eldridge Museum

Jane’s Walk: Stewarding Green Spaces in the Lower East Side

By Lower East Side Ecology Center

Jane’s Walk: Stewarding Green Spaces in the Lower East Side with Lower East Side Ecology Center

From Field to Form: Straw-The Architectural League of NY

By The Architectural League and the Urban Design Forum

From Field to Form: Straw-The Architectural League of NY

Earth Day Celebration 2024 at Elizabeth Street Garden

By Elizabeth Street Garden

Earth Day Celebration at Elizabeth Street Garden - SoHo Events

Manhattan Community Board No. 2 – Meeting Thurs, April 18

By Manhattan Community Board No. 2

Manhattan Community Board #2 Manhattan is one of the first community boards to be established in the early 1960’s. One of Soho Broadway Community Neighborhood Resources

Elevate Soho Licensed Dispensary Grand Opening

By Elevate Soho & Work'N'Roll

Grand Opening of Elevate Soho Licensed Dispensary Grand Opening

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