Call for Applications for the New City Critics fellowship
Join New City Critics, Urban Design Forum, and Urban Omnibus/The Architectural League for a conversation about the state of criticism on New York City’s built environment.
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Mar 29, 2017 | By SoHo Broadway Initiative
During the summer of 2016, the Initiative embarked on a project to publish a report with statistics about the SoHo Broadway corridor, including information about those who live in, work in and visit the district. We are excited to release the SoHo Broadway Spotlight 2016. The Spotlight 2016 pulls together employment, real estate, transportation, anchor […]
| By SoHo Broadway Initiative
Corner power-washing resumes this month. The Initiative generally has cleanings on the second Monday/Tuesday and the fourth Monday/Tuesday of the month from April through November. For April there will be power washing on: April 10, 11, 24 and 25. Our Clean Team partnerACE power-washes each corner and all trash/recycling receptacles on the corners from 7pm until no […]
Mar 12, 2017 | By SoHo Broadway Initiative
March 13, 2017 Winter Weather Advisory The National Weather Service has issued a Blizzard Warning for New York City with Heavy Snow and Blizzard Conditions. for Tuesday 3/14 through Wednesday 3/15. Snow Accumulations forecasted at 12 to 20 inches and snowfall Rates…2 to 4 inches per hour starting early Tuesday morning into early Tuesday afternoon. Winds […]
Feb 28, 2017 | By SoHo Broadway Initiative
On February 6, 2017, the Initiative hosted its annual open house where we updated the community on our current programs and initiatives. The Open House was hosted by our friends from Boxed Wholesale and was attended by over fifty members of the SoHo Broadway Community. The Open House featured opening remarks by Boxed Wholesale’s Chief […]
Feb 27, 2017 | By SoHo Broadway Initiative
The SoHo Broadway Initiative is excited to announce that the artist selected through the New York City Department of Transportation’s (NYCDOT) Community Commissions program will be Zigi Ben-Haim! Zigi Ben-Haim is a SoHo based artist who has lived in the neighborhood for more than 40 years. Zigi was born in Baghdad, Iraq and immigrated to […]
Feb 2, 2017 | By SoHo Broadway Initiative
Join Your Neighbors at the SoHo Broadway Initiative’s Open House on February 6th, 2017 Members of the SoHo Broadway community are invited to attend an open house on: Monday, February, 6, 2017 6:30pm to 7:30pm Boxed Wholesale, 28 Mercer Street between Grand and Howard Street on the 2nd Floor. At the open house, the Initiative will […]
Jan 28, 2017 | By SoHo Broadway Initiative
Over January 6th and 8th, the SoHo Broadway Initiative, in collaboration with the Lower East Side Ecology Center, hosted an electronic waste (e-waste) recycling event on Broadway. In conjunction with the Ecology Center’s E-Waste event at Union Square, the Initiative coordinated a drop off site for SoHo and the surrounding neighborhoods to participate in. […]
Jan 27, 2017 | By SoHo Broadway Initiative
For a few weeks after the Christmas holiday, New York City sidewalks become cluttered with Christmas trees waiting to be picked up. The trees can get blown around, creating unsafe conditions for pedestrians. This year, the Initiative’s Clean Team, in coordination with DSNY’s Manhattan District 2, corralled any tree left on Broadway and moved them […]
Jan 26, 2017 | By SoHo Broadway Initiative
This is a friendly reminder that DSNY residential collection is suspended on Monday, February 20th for the observance of the President’s Day holiday. Please do not place garbage items out for collection on Monday, February 20. DSNY collection on Broadway will resume on Wednesday, February 22. The Initiative is here to help, we’ve created a […]
Dec 29, 2016 | By SoHo Broadway Initiative
The SoHo Broadway Initiative is pleased to invite residents of the SoHo Broadway corridor to our second Residential Affinity Group Meeting on Tuesday, January 24th at 7pm. An affinity group is a group formed around a shared interest, in this case residents interested in improving the SoHo Broadway corridor. The Initiative is organizing several affinity […]
| By SoHo Broadway Initiative
Members of the SoHo Broadway community are invited to attend an open house on Monday, February, 6, 2017 from 6:30pm to 7:30pm at Boxed Wholesale, 28 Mercer Street between Grand and Howard Street on the 2nd Floor. At the open house, the Initiative will be updating the community and answering questions on the Initiative’s activities. The […]
| By SoHo Broadway Initiative
Have you ever wondered how to recycle your old TV or printer? You don’t have to wonder anymore. On January 6th and 8th the SoHo Broadway Initiative and the Lower East Side Ecology Center are partnering to bring an e-waste (electronic waste) recycling event to SoHo’s Broadway. By recycling you can help reduce the amount […]
Dec 24, 2016 | By SoHo Broadway Initiative
Winter officially began on December 21, and that means it is time to get ready for the snow, slush, and ice. When winter weather arrives, the SoHo Broadway Clean Team hits the streets ready to shovel crosswalks, bus stops, catch basins and fire hydrants. However, keeping SoHo Broadway passable is a team effort that involves everyone. […]
| By SoHo Broadway Initiative
Did you ever wonder why there are times when bags of garbage seem to stay in front of buildings for days? Chances are garbage or recycling was placed out for pick up on a day when the Department of Sanitation (“DSNY”) residential collection was suspended due to a holiday being observed. Don’t worry the Initiative […]
Dec 23, 2016 | By SoHo Broadway Initiative
Sample of DOT Art program installation New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT) and the SoHo Broadway Initiative are partnering to present a temporary public art project at a bus stop located on Broadway between Grand Street and Howard Street in Manhattan to be installed in the spring of 2017. DOT Art has released […]
Jun 20 | Culture
Join New City Critics, Urban Design Forum, and Urban Omnibus/The Architectural League for a conversation about the state of criticism on New York City’s built environment.
Jun 22 | Culture
Center for Italian Modern Art Nanni Balestrini: Art As Political Action – One Thousand And One Voices
Aug 31 | Culture
Judd Foundation presents Robert Irwin, an exhibition of three works at 101 Spring Street in New York.
Call for Applications for the New City Critics fellowship
By The Architectural League and the Urban Design Forum
Closing – Nanni Balestrini: Art As Political Action – One Thousand And One Voices
By Center for Italian Modern Art
Closing: Robert Irwin at Judd Foundation on August 31
By Judd Foundation
Stay Tuned! More events to come.
By SoHo Broadway Initiative